WASHINGTON DC, Etats-Unis – Selon l’agence Reuters, il y a eu
des coups de feu en fin d’après-midi, (soir en France) devant le
Capitol, où siègent les sénateurs, le Hart Building.
Publié le oct 3, 2013 @ 20:49 (Allainjules)
Un policier a été blessé et transporté à l'hôpital, a indiqué la police sans autres précisions.
L'alerte, qui a duré un peu plus d'une demie heure, a également engendré un important déploiement de policiers armés dans les rues adjacentes au Capitole, sans que l'on connaisse toutefois l'origine de ces coups de feu.
Selon des médias américains, l'incident aurait commencé devant la Maison Blanche et aurait continué avec une course-poursuite qui se serait achevée à proximité du Capitole.
La résidence du président américain, qui se trouve dans un autre quartier de Washington, a également été bouclée temporairement." (romandie)
Deuxième fusillade en trois semaines
Les coups de feu ont été tirés dans deux rues longeant le Capitole, ont précisé des témoins. Un blessé a été évacué par hélicoptère.
Il y a trois semaines, le 16 septembre, une fusillade avait déjà éclaté dans la capitale américaine. Treize personnes avaient été tuées au Navy Yard, le centre administratif de la Marine américaine. (france24)
Quartier bouclé
Le tireur présumé – une femme ? - aurait été neutralisée, voire tuée, par les forces de l'ordre. Le quartier, ultra-sensible, a été brièvement bouclé, de même que les abords de la Maison blanche, située à quelques mètres de là. (metronews)
An eyewitness told Fox News the incident began when a woman tried to ram a gate near the White House and her vehicle came to a stop near the Capitol building. Sources said several police cars boxed in the vehicle, the driver got out and five or six shots were fired. Witnesses saw a baby being taken from the car. (INatNews)
A woman driving a black Infiniti sedan struck a security barricade outside the White House and fled to Capitol Hill on Thursday afternoon, where pursuing police shot and killed her. One officer was struck by her vehicle at the White House and another was injured in the course of the pursuit.
The driver was a “black adult female” and “is deceased as a result of her injuries sustained in the shooting,” the United States Secret Service said late Thursday. Her identity is “being withheld at this time, pending verification and notification of next of kin.” [?]
A Capitol Police spokesperson said in a press conference following the incident that a one-year-old baby found in the car after the chase has been hospitalized. The only shots fired during the episode came from law enforcement and not the suspect, per the police spokesperson.
The car being driven by the suspect, a late-model black Infiniti, has Connecticut license plates. Police are searching a home in Stamford, Conn., in connection with the incident, per local media. Authorities are also planning to speak with the suspect’s sister in Brooklyn, N.Y., according to CNN.
Capitol Police Chief Kim Dine told reporters there’s no indication the episode was “related to terrorism.”
A U.S. Capitol Police Officer injured in the incident was taken to MedStar Washington Hospital Center and later released.
The incident prompted a tense but brief lockdown of the Capitol building, where a chaotic scene unfolded after multiple people heard several gunshots. People ran frantically and officers swarmed as Capitol Police issued a “shelter in place” order for offices on the House side of the building.
“Close, lock and stay away from external doors and windows,” the police said in an emergency alert.
Rep. Bill Posey (R-Fla.), who was on the House balcony at the time, told Politico he heard “five or six” gunshots.
“Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!” he said. “Then sirens went off, cops started going everywhere yelling ‘get inside, get inside!’
B.J. Campbell, 69, a tourist visiting from Portland, Ore., said he saw the black car drive past White House security. Officers began “banging on the car, yelling at her,” Campbell told TIME. One tried to use a bicycle rack to box in the vehicle, but the car spun around and rammed into the rack and hit the officer, who was not wearing a uniform. The officer, whom the Associated Press identified as a Secret Service agent, was knocked onto the hood of the car and rolled off onto the street, according to Campbell. However, another witness said the officer got up and did not appear to be injured.
“There was a lot of yelling at the driver to stop,” said Joe Brophy, the manager of a pedicab company, who saw the incident. The car sped off down Pennsylvania Avenue heading east, followed within 30 seconds by several police cars, according to witnesses.
There was a heavy police presence just west of the Capitol near the U.S. Botanical Garden, as tourists moved away from the Capitol. Secret Service was on high alert and Pennsylvania Avenue was closed off near the White House.
“The President was briefed on the reports of gunfire on Capitol Hill this afternoon,” a White House official said Thursday. “White House staff are in touch with law enforcement and monitoring the incident.”
The Senate Sergeant at Arms had also advised people on the Senate side of the building to shelter in place if in an office, or go to the nearest office if not. The House of Representatives, which had been in session when the shooting started, reconvened by approximately 3:30 p.m.
WASHINGTON (Sept. 24, 2014) -- Seeing emergency vehicles and first responders in action unfortunately are not new to the residents of the National Capital Region, but beginning Sept. 30 thru Oct. 3, those images will not be a sign that something has gone terribly wrong, but that various government agencies are preparing for the next such incident if it occurs.
Capital Shield 2014 is a joint training exercise in the National Capital Region, or NCR, that runs from Sept. 30 thru Oct. 3, and is hosted by the Joint Force Headquarters - National Capital Region. It brings federal, state, local and municipal agencies together to realistically test interagency operability during a crisis impacting the District of Columbia, Virginia, and Maryland.
USA: le Congrès brièvement bouclé après des coups de feu
"WASHINGTON - Le Congrès des Etats-Unis a été brièvement bouclé jeudi après-midi après que des coups de feu ont retenti à proximité de l'un des bâtiments annexes du Parlement américain, dans le centre de Washington.Un policier a été blessé et transporté à l'hôpital, a indiqué la police sans autres précisions.
L'alerte, qui a duré un peu plus d'une demie heure, a également engendré un important déploiement de policiers armés dans les rues adjacentes au Capitole, sans que l'on connaisse toutefois l'origine de ces coups de feu.
Selon des médias américains, l'incident aurait commencé devant la Maison Blanche et aurait continué avec une course-poursuite qui se serait achevée à proximité du Capitole.
La résidence du président américain, qui se trouve dans un autre quartier de Washington, a également été bouclée temporairement." (romandie)
Deuxième fusillade en trois semaines
Les coups de feu ont été tirés dans deux rues longeant le Capitole, ont précisé des témoins. Un blessé a été évacué par hélicoptère.
Il y a trois semaines, le 16 septembre, une fusillade avait déjà éclaté dans la capitale américaine. Treize personnes avaient été tuées au Navy Yard, le centre administratif de la Marine américaine. (france24)
Quartier bouclé
Le tireur présumé – une femme ? - aurait été neutralisée, voire tuée, par les forces de l'ordre. Le quartier, ultra-sensible, a été brièvement bouclé, de même que les abords de la Maison blanche, située à quelques mètres de là. (metronews)
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An eyewitness told Fox News the incident began when a woman tried to ram a gate near the White House and her vehicle came to a stop near the Capitol building. Sources said several police cars boxed in the vehicle, the driver got out and five or six shots were fired. Witnesses saw a baby being taken from the car. (INatNews)
A woman driving a black Infiniti sedan struck a security barricade outside the White House and fled to Capitol Hill on Thursday afternoon, where pursuing police shot and killed her. One officer was struck by her vehicle at the White House and another was injured in the course of the pursuit.
The driver was a “black adult female” and “is deceased as a result of her injuries sustained in the shooting,” the United States Secret Service said late Thursday. Her identity is “being withheld at this time, pending verification and notification of next of kin.” [?]
A Capitol Police spokesperson said in a press conference following the incident that a one-year-old baby found in the car after the chase has been hospitalized. The only shots fired during the episode came from law enforcement and not the suspect, per the police spokesperson.
The car being driven by the suspect, a late-model black Infiniti, has Connecticut license plates. Police are searching a home in Stamford, Conn., in connection with the incident, per local media. Authorities are also planning to speak with the suspect’s sister in Brooklyn, N.Y., according to CNN.
Capitol Police Chief Kim Dine told reporters there’s no indication the episode was “related to terrorism.”
A U.S. Capitol Police Officer injured in the incident was taken to MedStar Washington Hospital Center and later released.
The incident prompted a tense but brief lockdown of the Capitol building, where a chaotic scene unfolded after multiple people heard several gunshots. People ran frantically and officers swarmed as Capitol Police issued a “shelter in place” order for offices on the House side of the building.
“Close, lock and stay away from external doors and windows,” the police said in an emergency alert.
Rep. Bill Posey (R-Fla.), who was on the House balcony at the time, told Politico he heard “five or six” gunshots.
“Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!” he said. “Then sirens went off, cops started going everywhere yelling ‘get inside, get inside!’
B.J. Campbell, 69, a tourist visiting from Portland, Ore., said he saw the black car drive past White House security. Officers began “banging on the car, yelling at her,” Campbell told TIME. One tried to use a bicycle rack to box in the vehicle, but the car spun around and rammed into the rack and hit the officer, who was not wearing a uniform. The officer, whom the Associated Press identified as a Secret Service agent, was knocked onto the hood of the car and rolled off onto the street, according to Campbell. However, another witness said the officer got up and did not appear to be injured.
“There was a lot of yelling at the driver to stop,” said Joe Brophy, the manager of a pedicab company, who saw the incident. The car sped off down Pennsylvania Avenue heading east, followed within 30 seconds by several police cars, according to witnesses.
There was a heavy police presence just west of the Capitol near the U.S. Botanical Garden, as tourists moved away from the Capitol. Secret Service was on high alert and Pennsylvania Avenue was closed off near the White House.
“The President was briefed on the reports of gunfire on Capitol Hill this afternoon,” a White House official said Thursday. “White House staff are in touch with law enforcement and monitoring the incident.”
The Senate Sergeant at Arms had also advised people on the Senate side of the building to shelter in place if in an office, or go to the nearest office if not. The House of Representatives, which had been in session when the shooting started, reconvened by approximately 3:30 p.m.
Infos connexes
WASHINGTON (Sept. 24, 2014) -- Seeing emergency vehicles and first responders in action unfortunately are not new to the residents of the National Capital Region, but beginning Sept. 30 thru Oct. 3, those images will not be a sign that something has gone terribly wrong, but that various government agencies are preparing for the next such incident if it occurs.
Capital Shield 2014 is a joint training exercise in the National Capital Region, or NCR, that runs from Sept. 30 thru Oct. 3, and is hosted by the Joint Force Headquarters - National Capital Region. It brings federal, state, local and municipal agencies together to realistically test interagency operability during a crisis impacting the District of Columbia, Virginia, and Maryland.
Breaking news right now. US Capitol on lockdown after shots fired.
public conference
The shooter appears to have been caught:
- 19h43 (GMT) FBI responding to Capitol, spokesperson says; cannot provide information on reports being fired - @washingtonpost
- 19h40 (GMT): 10 or 15 gunshots in rapid succession; police were chasing a black vehicle up Constitution Ave in DC - @DomenicoNBC
- 19h37 (GMT) US Capitol Police send out shelter in place notice to all Capitol Hill staff - @TPM
- 19h35 (GMT) : US Capitol Police: Reports of gunshots and injured Capitol police officer - @AP
- 19h30 (GMT) : US Capitol in lockdown after reports of shots fired - @NBCNews
- (breaking news)
Breaking news during the event (2min)
The situation in DC is fluid, but here is the most coherent narrative so far
from NBC
Washington DC:
A woman opened fire near the U.S. Capitol after trying to ram her car into the White House gates Thursday afternoon; she was then shot.
A U.S. Capitol Police officer was injured in the event, though it is not clear that the officer was shot.
The incident began at about 2:30 p.m. at the White House gates at 15th and E streets, NBC News confirmed. The driver tried to ram the gates but failed, and then was pursued by Secret Service.
She bailed out of her car near the Capitol building and began shooting, NBC News' Pete Williams reported.
Some reports said that as many as 10 to 15 rounds were fired. The injured officer was airlifted to an area hospital.
The U.S. Capitol building was on lockdown after the shooting, though that lockdown has now been lifted. Parts of Pennsylvania Avenue are still closed.
The House recessed, and the Senate went into a quorum call. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) said she was told to shelter-in-place. Pennsylvania Avenue is closed in the area, and tourists were evacuated.
NBC News correspondent Luke Russert reported hearing three or four booms from his office and seeing 40-50 people hit the ground." (NBC via zerohedge)
Contexte :
USA: Obama s'en prend directement au président républicain de la Chambre
ROCKVILLE (Etats-Unis) - Barack Obama s'en est directement pris jeudi au
président républicain de la Chambre des représentants John Boehner pour
la paralysie de l'Etat provoquée selon lui depuis trois jours par ses
Votez (un budget), arrêtez cette comédie et mettez fin à
cette paralysie !, a lancé le président des Etats-Unis lors d'une
intervention dans une PME de Rockville (Maryland), dans la banlieue
nord-ouest de Washington.
La seule chose qui paralyse l'Etat, la
seule chose qui empêche les gens de revenir travailler, la recherche
fondamentale de redémarrer et les PME d'obtenir des prêts (...) la seule
chose qui empêche cela de se produire dans les cinq prochaines minutes
est que John Boehner ne veut même pas autoriser un vote sur le projet de
loi (d'orientation budgétaire), parce qu'il ne veut pas s'aliéner les
extrémistes dans son parti, a encore dit M. Obama. (romandie)
israelnationalnews jeudi 3 octobre 2013 21 h 53
telegraph jeudi 3 octobre 2013 21 h 53
telegraph jeudi 3 octobre 2013 21 h 53
corsematin jeudi 3 octobre 2013 21 h 52
WashingtonPost jeudi 3 octobre 2013 21 h 52
voanews jeudi 3 octobre 2013 21 h 51
news-yahoo jeudi 3 octobre 2013 21 h 50
news-yahoo jeudi 3 octobre 2013 21 h 50
news-yahoo jeudi 3 octobre 2013 21 h 50
news-yahoo jeudi 3 octobre 2013 21 h 50
dailymail jeudi 3 octobre 2013 21 h 49
dailymail jeudi 3 octobre 2013 21 h 49
Autres liens sur le sujet :
ETATS-UNIS – Une fusillade a éclaté, jeudi, aux abords du Capitole, le siège du Congrès américain.......
A lockdown that was ordered after
shots were fired outside the United States Capitol was lifted, Thursday
afternoon and those inside the Capitol were no longer being ordered to
"shelter in place," according to Fox News According to U.S. Capitol
Police, officers were injured. One person could be seen being carried
off in a stretcher....
A woman tried to ram into the White House and a car chase developed. She was reportedly shot dead. Lockdown is now over....
Watch live coverage from Washington where there have been reports that shots have been fired near the US Capitol building...
The US Capitol was briefly put on security lockdown after shots were fired outside the complex, wounding a policeman...
Washington (AFP) Des coups de feu ont été tirés
jeudi après-midi à proximité d'un bâtiment annexe du Congrès américain à
Washington, entraînant la fermeture temporaire du Capitole, où siègent
les deux chambres du Parlement, ont indiqué deux sénateurs à l'AFP....
Shots were fired outside the U.S.
Capitol Thursday afternoon, and at least one Capitol Police officer was
injured in the incident, police said. The shooting occurred about 2:19
p.m. outside the Hart Senate Office building, on the northeast side of
Capitol Hill near the intersection of Constitution Avenue, 2nd Street,
and Maryland Avenue NW....
The U.S. Capitol was locked down
briefly on Thursday after gunshots were fired outside the building
following a car chase across central Washington and a number of people
including a law enforcement officer were hurt, officials said. A female
suspect was killed by police at the scene, a U.S. official said....
WASHINGTON - A law enforcement
official says a shooting at the United States Capitol is related to a
vehicle that tried to ram a security barricade at the White House....
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S.
Capitol was locked down briefly on Thursday after gunshots were fired
outside the building following a car chase across central Washington and
a number of people including a law enforcement officer were hurt,
officials said. A female suspect was killed by police at the scene, a
WASHINGTON (AP) — Efforts to resolve
the government shutdown were at a standstill Thursday as President
Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner traded barbs, the Treasury
warned of a dire risk to the economy ahead and work in the Capitol was
briefly halted because of gunshots outside....
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A woman
suspected of being involved in a car chase across central Washington was
shot and killed by police outside the U.S. Capitol building on
Thursday, a U.S. official said. The incident, which sparked a lockdown
of Congress, began when the woman tried to ram through security
barricades outside the White House....
The Wisconsin Republican said a stranger screamed at him and grabbed him as he walked to the Capitol to vote on legislation....
Donald Trump appears on Politicking
with Larry King Thursday night, where he wonders about whether Hillary
Clinton is healthy enough to campaign....